The Stanway Rovers Walking Teams are part of Stanway Rovers Community Football club.
Stanway Rovers Walking Football is a local Walking Football Group primarily for the over 50s.
Walking Football is played at a slightly slower pace, to have fun, make new friends and above all, keeping fit.
Training takes place on Monday evenings at Stanway School, Winstree Road, Colchester CO3 0QA
between 6.00 - 7.30pm. Please arrive at Stanway School astro pitches by 5.45 - 5.55pm
£5 per person for an hour of Walking Football
Anyone age 45+ is welcome to come along and give it a try. Everyone is welcome whatever their skills / fitness.
Footwear should be Astroturf boots / moulded stud boots. Blades & metal studs are not suitable. Standard football kit.
The basic WF rules are : no running, maximum 3 touches, no heading the ball, ball must be kept below head height & no contact.
Saturday matches are 6-aside. Sunday matches are 7-aside
Pitches are approximately 50m x 35m. They differ slightly between 6 and 7-aside but just like 11-aside there are minimum and maximum dimensions.
For further information click on this link, fill in the form, and someone will get in touch with you. If you are a walking football team and would like to arrange a friendly match or tournament please contact us via the enquiry form via this link.
The walking football season is March to October
We have one team in the Saturday Essex League, Over 50's Division 4
We have two teams in the Sunday North Essex Friendly Alliance League
Astroturf boots / moulded stud boots