Last seven day's results for all Stanway Rovers teams:
21/09/24 - Colney Heath FC 0-0 Stanway Rovers Community FC (Colney Heath win 4-3 on penalties)
21/09/24 - Stanway Rovers U23 1-2 Wivenhoe Town U23
No matches in the last seven days
Ladies First:
22/09/24 - Stanway Pegasus Ladies FC Reserves 1-3 Stanway Rovers Ladies FC
Ladies Reserves:
22/09/24 - FC Clacton Ladies H-W Stanway Rovers Ladies FC Reserves
Next matches for the Stanway Rovers teams:
25/09/24 @ 19:45 - Romford FC v Stanway Rovers Community FC (Cup)
28/09/24 @ 15:00 - Ilford FC v Stanway Rovers Community FC (League)
28/09/24 @ 15:00 - Stanway Rovers U23 v Stanway Pegasus U23 (League)
26/09/24 @ 19:45 - Witham Town U18 v Stanway Rovers U18 (League)
Ladies First:
29/09/24 @14:00 - Corinthians FC Women v Stanway Rovers Ladies FC (League)
Ladies Reserves:
29/09/24 @ 14:00 - Pitsea Town Laddies FC v Stanway Rovers Ladies FC Reserves (League)
Walking Saturday:
12/10/24 @ 12:15 - Stanway Rovers Walking Saturday Team playing 3 matches in the 50s Div 2 Challenge Cup
Walking Sunday:
13/10/24 @ 13:00 - Stanway Rovers Walking Sunday A Team playing 3 matches in the Colchester Challenge Cup
13/10/24 @ 13:00 - Stanway Rovers Walking Sunday B Team playing 3 matches in the Colchester Challenge Cup
Stanway Rovers Football Club, in proud partnership with:
FND Group LTD: website here
KMCO Group: website here