Stanway Ladies First 2
FC Clacton Ladies First 0
Rovers goal scorers:
Hannah Boyling
Sara Walter
Put this date in your diary: Wednesday 1st May, 2024

Reason? We have made it to our first cup final, in the Essex Women's Trophy!
Venue? Still to be confirmed.
This is a terrific achievement in the short time we have existed as the Women's side of Stanway Rovers Football Club.
We would like to say a huge well done to our coaches, players and committee members who have all worked so hard so far this season.
And to give a massive thank you for the support of our sponsors
L J Rose Accounting Ltd
GRC Industrial Flooring
Luckmans Driving School
Ye Olde Albion Pub
Toureen Group.
And don't forget, we are still in the Women's League Cup_2023 - 2024.