Attention all current members of Stanway Rovers Football Club.
Your annual membership fees are now due. They are:
£30 - family membership (includes children)
£20 - single membership
£10 - senior citizen membership
PLEASE NOTE: to keep up to date with Data Protection laws, and to tidy up our membership records, there is a requirement this year for all existing members to recomplete a Membership Application Form. These are available at the members bar, and a sealed box is on the wall to the right of the bar, under the TV, for you to post your completed form.
Attention all current non-members of Stanway Rovers Football Club. Would you like to be a member?
Membership runs from 1st August to 31st July every year (to align with the football season) and costs (per year):
£30 - family membership (includes children)
£20 - single membership
£10 - senior citizen membership
If you would like to become a member:
simply fill in this form, and a membership application form will be sent to you
pop into the members bar anytime it's open, and complete and hand in a membership application form while you are there.