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We are very pleased to announce two (yes, two) "Beers Of The Week" - both from Colchester Brewery:

  • Barbarian

  • Brinsop

As with all of our "BOTW", they are delicious, and they sell out fast. When they are gone, they are gone. And with live cabaret this weekend - we do not expect them to last too long into next week.

So, which one is best? That is the same as asking a parent which is their favourite child - you don't ask that question, and it doesn't get answered. But the answer we can give is: come along, enjoy the live cabaret and give each beer an equal amount of time, enjoy both of these special beers, direct from Colchester Brewery.

Live cabaret this weekend - Living The Dream

Barbarian - by Colchester Brewery

Well hopped copper beer. U.S. Willamette hops for flavour and aroma.

Style: Copper Session Bitter

Strength: ABV 3.9%

Hops: Bullion, First Gold, Willamette

Brinsop - by Colchester Brewery

Specially for St George's Day - Tuesday 23rd April

Named after the home of the dragon slayed by St. George, Brinsop is a light brown ale balancing the malty sweetness of the best English barley with the floral, spicy and herbal characteristics of the thoroughly English Boadicea hop.

Style: Dark Malty Bitter

Strength: ABV 4.3%

Hops: Boadicea


Visit the Colchester Brewery website: Home – Colchester Brewery


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