We are holding an "Open Evening" to introduce you to the wonderful world of "Over 50's Walking Football".
You may not have heard of "Walking Football" before.
You may have heard of it, but didn't know it is played in Colchester, or even that we have two Over 50's teams here at Stanway.
Walking football is a fantastic way for Over 50's to exercise, and to socialise.
If you would like to play, or just to find out more, then come along to this Open Evening.
We are holding it for any Over 50's players, or potential players, who would like to be part of our friendly team. The Introduction Open Evening will take place at our main ground on grass, followed by a "Get Together" in our fully licensed Stanway Rovers Club Bar.
For more information about the Open Evening, or to register an interest:
Contact Essy on 07392 996144
Fill in the form here: Walking Teams Enquiry Form
Check out these pages for:
More information about our walking teams: About the Walking Teams
A view of all the fixtures, results and tables for the current season for our two walking teams: Fixtures, Results and Tables
Or simply go to our main website page Stanway Rovers and click on the menu option for "Walking", where you will find more information about our walking teams.
